Book Review – In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership

Book Review – In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership



In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership

Author: Henri J.M. Nouwen

In the Name of Jesus, written by Henri Nouwen in 1989, reads as if it were written for the ministry of today. Nouwen’s reflections on Christian Leadership are timeless and thought-provoking. It is full of challenges to get back to the basics of serving and leading like Christ.

It is no secret that COVID has changed the landscape of ministry and leadership in ways no one could have anticipated. Throughout the past months, my ministry and I found myself striving for ways to serve that would be relevant and innovative.

I could not choose one part of this book as a favorite because it is simply THAT good. However, the part that spoke to me the most during this season of my life was Nouwen saying, “The leaders of the future will be those who dare to claim their irrelevance in the contemporary world as a divine vocation that allows them to enter into a deep solidarity with the anguish underlying all the glitter of success, and to bring the light of Jesus there” (Nouwen, 1989/2002,p.35). What a challenge.

I highly recommend this book. It is short, but impactful and more than worthy of time and contemplation for Christian leaders in all stages of ministry. If you are looking for new inspiration on how to lead or if you find yourself in a difficult season of ministry, this book provides a hard reset. It will allow you to set aside the need to lead by only doing things FOR Jesus and encourage you to, once again, answer the call to be LIKE Jesus in your leadership. In the end, you will feel released, refreshed, and renewed!

Order your copy online here.