One of the prettiest sights for me is to look out the window early in the morning and see my...
Christian Living

Care for the Caregivers
In March of 2020, we took part in a shared experience that opened our eyes and hearts to the realities...

You Are Mine
What’s in a name? Is there any particular significance to the meaning of your name? For most of my life,...

Treasures of the Heart: Shattered Yet Restored
I am one who follows the discipline of “a word of the year.” When reading the Christmas story again a...

Jesus Wept
John 11:1-45 NIV Jesus appeared composed as He approached the edge of town. Martha, the sister of his dead friend,...

The Lord is Our Rock
For a while my family was fortunate to live next to the Pacific Ocean in Southern California. Daily we witnessed...

Sir, We Would See Jesus
John 12:21 says, “They came to Phillip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. ‘Sir,’ they said, ‘we...

Less is More Versus Never Enough!
Although it seems like yesterday, it was actually 25 years ago when our three sons had one wish for Christmas...

Blessed Beyond Grief
Grief—deep sorrow. We have all felt this pain at some point in our lives. I have had my share of...

On Hold: How To Be Confident In The Waiting
We have all been there: In that in–between place where we ask, “What do I do now?” This wasn’t planned,...