Superheroes are notoriously known for possessing supernatural abilities to restore order with the swish of a cape. Shirlee Abbott writes,...

Biblical View of Infertility
God said to His chosen people, “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28, 9:1, 35:11, 48:4). Is this God’s command or...

National Day of Prayer and Fasting – Ash Wednesday
Resources for National Day of Prayer and Fasting Ash Wednesday – March 2, 2022 Peer Magazine – Fast and...

My Phone – A Prompting for Prayer
One of the most convicting verses in the Bible is 1 Thessalonians 5:17, which simply says, “pray continually.” Two words,...

Struggling with Infertility
Infertility—just seeing that word can make people uncomfortable. Hearing it spoken out loud can stop you in your tracks. Infertility...

Holy Love
When my children were small, they frequently asked crazy hard questions about the world and life. Often, I would enter...

New Fallen Snow
One of the prettiest sights for me is to look out the window early in the morning and see my...

Care for the Caregivers
In March of 2020, we took part in a shared experience that opened our eyes and hearts to the realities...

You Are Mine
What’s in a name? Is there any particular significance to the meaning of your name? For most of my life,...

Treasures of the Heart: Shattered Yet Restored
I am one who follows the discipline of “a word of the year.” When reading the Christmas story again a...