Women’s Sunday 2021 – Holiness Meeting Outline

Women’s Sunday 2021 – Holiness Meeting Outline

Call To Worship – “Thy Will be Done”

(Responsive Reading Song #727, The Salvation Army Song Book)

(Leader and Response—each line of the song)

Opening Prayer

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 29:1–13 NIV

Time of Worship and Praise 

Suggested Songs from Hallelujah Choruses          

#225, “Hosanna”

#65, “God will Make a Way”

#91, “Fan the Flame”

#92, “I’m Gonna’ Praise the Lord”

Announcements and Offering

Song #662, “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less”  The Salvation Army Song Book

Children’s Message

Relate the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from Daniel 3. Emphasize their trust and hope in God as well as His deliverance. (Dismiss for Junior Church)

Song #892, “Simply Trusting”  The Salvation Army Song Book


“Hope for the World”

Closing Prayer


“May you know the HOPE of His Omniscient (all knowing) Plan Embraced in your life and leave today trusting that He is true to His Word as found in Romans 8:28 as we say together: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

Closing Song #893, “All the Promises of God are Sure” The Salvation Army Song Book
