Refreshments Serve snacks that can be purchased without plastic packaging—fruits, vegetables, bakery goods and deli items. Most grocery store delis...
Tag: spring

July 2019 — Celebrate His Goodness in Creation
July 1, 2019September 23, 2021By Major Katie Pinkston
“The heavens are Yours, and the earth is Yours; everything in the world is Yours—You created it all” (Psalm 89:11)....

April 2019 — His Goodness Reigns (Rains)
April 1, 2019September 23, 2021By Major Beverly Lloyd
Decoration Using fishing twine hang open umbrellas, with the handles pointing down, from the ceiling. Attach pale blue streamers to...

April 2019 — Serve Enthusiastically
April 1, 2019September 23, 2021By Major Angela Wandling
Introduction April is the perfect time to tackle spring cleaning. Sometimes it is even better to help someone else with...

March 2019 — Spring Fling
March 1, 2019September 23, 2021By Captain Jennifer Swain
“Everyone will share the story of Your wonderful goodness, they will sing with joy about Your righteousness” (Ps.145:7). Introduction Goodness...