Introduction Singing karaoke can be a little intimidating to some but to others it brings out their adventurous side. Some...
Category: Archive Fellowship Programs

July 2019 — The Warmth of His Goodness
Decorations Create the feeling of a mermaid lagoon. Use green, teal, blue, purple, lavender and pearly white tablecloths and napkins....

June 2019 — Radiating His Goodness
Scripture “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but...

May 2019 — United in His Goodness
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1 NIV) Refreshments Arrange to share...

April 2019 — His Goodness Reigns (Rains)
Decoration Using fishing twine hang open umbrellas, with the handles pointing down, from the ceiling. Attach pale blue streamers to...

March 2019 — Spring Fling
“Everyone will share the story of Your wonderful goodness, they will sing with joy about Your righteousness” (Ps.145:7). Introduction Goodness...

February 2019 — His Good Love
Decorations As this is a Valentine party, decorate the tables with pink and black tablecloths, napkins and plates. Place small...

January 2019 — His Good News
Introduction If life gives you lemons, make friends. Invite the women to bring a friend to the lemonade tea. Decorations...

December 2018 — The Good Gift of God
Gift Exchange The gift exchange can be done in a number of ways. “Stealing”: Using Post–its® number the gifts as...

November 2018 — Taste of His Goodness
Decorations Decorate using colors associated with fall—brown, orange or rust tablecloths. Place mason jars filled with fall flowers—chrysanthemums in yellow...