The Journey

The Journey

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly[a] with your God.” (Micah 6:8 NIV) 

I began this journey, as many do, lost and searching. Not sure where the journey would lead … but still I walk.

I’ve been down this path time and time again, running in circles. I’m clearly lost and searching … but still I walk.

I look to the left and darkness prevails. I look to the right and still no sign of light.

I have no idea where this road began, or where it will end.

But still I walk. Round and round I go. I think this is called insanity.

I keep searching and seeking, lost without hope, all alone … or so it seems!

There up ahead … what is that? I see light!

I’ve been walking for so long. This road has left me broken and beaten down. I am so tired, and I just want to quit! Oh, have mercy on me, oh God!

Wait, that’s it. Why have I not called on Him before now?

I must keep walking.

What is this path?

As I walk, the rocks along the way begin to disappear. The wounds I have suffered begin to close. Darkness begins to fade. Light begins to seep through.

What is this road?

I must have passed it a million times, as I circled round and round. Was this path not here? Or worse … perhaps I chose not to see it.

It doesn’t matter now. I have to keep walking.

Do you know how it feels to know you’re going the wrong way, but you keep choosing the same path time and time again? All the while thinking you know what’s best. You don’t need help. You have it figured out.

Like this time the bumps in the road will be leveled. But every time you fall down you are reminded that nothing has changed.

That has been my journey up to this point.

But now as I walk down this new path on this new journey, things are different. The bumps are still there, and I may trip, but I do not fall.

My journey that once seemed so dark and scary is now bright and hopeful. But how?

Then I hear it … His voice.

“I have shown you what is good. Justice.”

I have seen so much injustice on my journey—pain, suffering, hate, loneliness, hunger, poverty, discrimination. But this new journey … it’s different.

The voice …“I have shown you what is good. Mercy.”

I don’t claim innocence. My sins, they are many. I suppose I deserve what that old path had to throw at me.

But this path, this new journey … things are different.

“I have shown you what is good. Humility”

My choices. My ego. My own desire to be in control and be my own savior. It got me nowhere. Just lost in circles and defeated.

But this path … I seem to be less in control and yet more controlled and on track than ever before. This new journey … it’s definitely different.

Justice, mercy, humility—no longer do I walk alone. A hand reaches for my own. And there I am embraced.

As I meet God along that road, He embraces me, and I embrace the journey.

Questions for self–reflection:

  1. What bumps and pains along your journey have kept you from walking with God?
  2. Has the Lord ever reached out to you and you missed it?
  3. God calls us to walk humbly with Him. What in your life do you need to let go of in order to grab hold of what God has for you?
  4. God is clear about what is required in our Christian walk; how would your walk change if you began to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord every day?
  5. We often spend so much time running away from God (fear, pride, past hurts, low self–worth). What is stopping you from walking toward Him today?
  6. Do you realize that you are loved by a God who doesn’t only require justice and mercy from you, but also wants to show you justice and mercy and who desires nothing more than to walk life’s journey with you?