Book Review – The Spirituality of the Gospels

Book Review – The Spirituality of the Gospels



Book: The Spirituality of the Gospels

Author: Stephen C. Barton

Our world, ever changing, turning swiftly, superseding the turn of a single week, requires many of us to regularly prepare for next week’s sermon delivery. In the quest to keep our preaching relevant as well as theologically and doctrinally grounded, this gem offers a jam-packed 161 pages of helpful, down to earth survey of the four Gospels.  It tells you how they differ, how they intersect and specifically how they connect to a vibrant and practical Spirituality in telling and applying to one’s life the timeless story of Jesus.

The book structure is simply divided into four sections: Matthew, Mark, Luke-Acts and The Fourth Gospel.  It offers a discourse of how each Gospel corresponds to spirituality as perceived in different faith traditions noting: “The ‘Protestant model is strong in its ability to engage lay people in their life in the everyday world, but weak perhaps in its disparagement of tradition, ‘religion’ the mystical, and its tendency towards activism and individualism.”

As Salvationists, we perhaps err in overt emphasis on the side of activism neglecting spirituality to undergird all we do. Barton further offers invitation to balance our individual spirituality with that of being in community.

While the book can be an easy read, I much appreciate the depth with which Barton digs into each Gospel exegeting the texts with thorough understanding of what lies behind the surface. For busy Salvationists, this is a book that quickly offers deep digging in an understandable language with an invitation to facilitate communication for a contemporary audience.

I recommend this book to preachers desiring to stay true to Biblical and relevant preaching.  It can function as a faithful companion in preparing while discovering the well-informed Truth of the Gospels communicated to the whosoever.

Order your copy online here.