Book: A Bend in the Road
Author: Commissioner Jolene K. Hodder
In her book, Commissioner Hodder presents highlights of her experiences during her time in Kenya as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries. “A Bend in the Road” is a stand-alone companion piece to “Walking in White,” her memoir of her first missionary years in Kenya.
“Most of us hope for the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. A few dream of making a difference in the world. Salvation Army Commissioner Jolene Hodder has actually done both, and the story is called ‘A Bend in the Road.’ This incredible book is a beautifully written record of her remarkable journey to the heart of Kenya. If you’ve ever felt God calling you to something new, and you struggle with that ‘bend in the road,’ then this is your roadmap to the destination of a lifetime. Buy this book. You’ll never be the same again.”
Order your copy today online at Trade West.
Frontier Press