My daughter was four weeks premature. After an unusual and unexpected 24 hours in the hospital, the very first words...
Christian Living

Peace: A Needed Commodity
I am exhausted mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. My emotions are worn out. My feelings are raw one moment and then...

Intentional Prayer
When I was in second grade, I learned this song: “Whisper a prayer in the morning, whisper a prayer at...

Shame Has a Purpose
Let’s face it. No one likes to feel shame. The idea of our worst thoughts and actions being exposed for...

Dragons in the Dungeon – Family Addiction
A fire breathing dragon lived in the dungeon with breath fouled by alcohol. His name was Frank, and we fed...

Moldable Clay
When my kids were little, a favorite activity in our house was playing with playdough. They loved to squish, pound,...

Connecting to the Still, Small Voice
Questions? We have all experienced coming to the end of a day filled with many questions. They are often shaped...

Practicing His Presence with a Sabbath Heart
Mark Buchanan’s book The Rest of God has impacted my understanding of Sabbath rest and of having a Sabbath heart....

The Prodigal’s Mother
One of the most poignant stories in Scripture is the parable of the Prodigal Son, found in Luke 15:11–31. In...

She Believed She Could, So She Did
Speaking Light, Life and Love into Our Sisters’ Lives Translated in Spanish by Major Martina Cornell As an avid...