September 2024 – Give a Hoot!

September 2024 – Give a Hoot!

Scripture: John 13:34, 35 (NIV).


What does it mean to “give a hoot?” We often use this phrase to express a negative feeling: “I don’t give a hoot about what they think of me.” However, I would like to suggest that as Christians, we are told to give a hoot—a very strong hoot about each other.

Create the Environment

  • Place inspirational birthday cards and blank encouragement cards at each table for the women to sign. The birthday cards can be mailed to members on their birthday, and the encouragement cards to those who need an extra word of encouragement.
  • As we are about to celebrate each other, decorate the room with a celebratory theme. Use streamers, bright-colored tablecloths, and balloons.
  • Invite the women to bring a snack to share, which reminds them of their childhood or family celebrations.

Practical Ideas to Serve and Celebrate Others

  • Write encouraging words and phrases on poster boards and post them in the social service office.
  • Put together an “encouragement basket” containing words or sayings of encouragement. Place it in the social service office with a sign that says, “Need encouragement? Help yourself.”
  • Go to your local school district’s webpage and get the teachers’ names in the community. Write them encouraging cards signed by the women in the group. Deliver them to each school with home-baked goods.
  • Deliver birthday cards each month to the local shelter or ARC. Even if you don’t know the names of those who will be receiving them, you can still encourage someone who may not have received a birthday card in a long time.

Love One Another

You don’t have to read many articles or watch more than a minute of the news to recognize that our society tends to be self–centered and selfish. It seems that everyone is just looking out for number one—me, myself, and I. We often neglect the biblical mandate to care for one another. Paul wrote to the Galatians and said, “Carry each other’s burdens” (Gal. 6:2 NIV). Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35, NIV). It seems that our very identity as His followers is reflected in how we give a hoot about others. That’s how the world will recognize us, not by our church attendance or even monetary giving, but by how well (or poorly) we love each other.

We cannot call ourselves Christians and ignore the plight of our neighbors. We cannot turn a blind eye to their need and pretend it is not there. But how do we demonstrate love? How do we give a hoot? Maybe you think that you have limited resources, so you cannot give large amounts of money to a specific ministry or project, or your physical health impedes you from spending hours at a shelter serving dinner. We often think of significant ways to help and when we’re not able to fulfill them, we justify ourselves and end up not doing anything. We are ending up acting as if we don’t give a hoot.

One way we can be of service to others is by intentionally using words of encouragement. Remember the little ditty from childhood, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I’m sure we can all agree that nothing could be further from the truth. Our words are compelling. It isn’t enough to refrain from saying anything hurtful or offensive. We need to be intentional in using words of encouragement that build others up and remind them of who they are in Christ. There are so many people around us, regardless of their age, gender, financial status, or any other descriptions, that do not know or don’t believe that they are loved, cherished, and matter to God. What better way to serve others than by reminding them that they are seen and heard, not just by you and I, but by their Creator.

When we make service and encouragement a regular practice in our lives, we are also doing ourselves a favor. Serving others profoundly affects our brain chemistry as it promotes joy and gives us a sense of purpose. Contributing to the greater good can build self–esteem and helps us to realign our thoughts and attitudes. I encourage you to go out of your way to use words that will bring joy and peace to those around you.

If you’re looking for ways to serve but don’t know where to begin, you could start by listing your skills, talents, and abilities. This is not the time to be shy; this is not a boastful list but rather a way of acknowledging how God has equipped you personally. Then turn it around and ask God to help you use your strengths to benefit others. Also, this is not a competition to see who has more talents; this is a private conversation between you and the Lord. Once you have the list of ways in which you can serve, think about some of these other practical aspects:

  • How much time do you have each week to dedicate to the service of others?
  • What are some specific ministries or groups at your corps or community that could use your set of skills?
  • What do you have in your home that could be useful to others?
  • What group of people do you feel most comfortable with—children, teens, mothers, the elderly?

Some think that this is not something that comes naturally to me. You’re just not a “lovey-dovey person” who finds it easy to encourage. This practice comes easier to some people than others. However, remember Paul’s words in Romans 15:5 NIV, “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.” Just as God encourages us in our relationship with Him, through His Holy Spirit, we can have that same attitude towards others. So, if this isn’t easy or natural to you, don’t despair; ask the Lord to give you that attitude and the words to build up others. When we do this, our service is transformed from a chore to something we enjoy and are fulfilled by doing.

I pray that as you become more intentional in being of service and encouragement. Then you will begin to sense the joy that comes from fulfilling the Lord’s command. We never know when a word of encouragement or a simple act of kindness can make a difference in the life of a person who is feeling isolated. Give a hoot and give the glory to God!