October 2021 – Hopeful Beginnings

October 2021 – Hopeful Beginnings

A Few of My Favorite Things


This program will help women get to know each other better at the beginning of the program year.

Program Ideas

Ask the women to come to the meeting prepared with a few of their favorite things. Give them a list before the meeting of items you would like them to bring or share. The list might include:

  • Wear your favorite outfit. It can be as casual as your pajamas or as fancy as a ball gown.
  • Bring your favorite scripture verse on an index card. If they don’t do this in advance, have cards and a Bible available for their use at the meeting.
  • Provide a favorite fall snack to share.
  • Bring something that reminds you of a favorite women’s ministry memory.
  • Bring something that reminds you of favorite childhood/family/school memory.
  • Bring your favorite book other than the Bible.
  • Bring a copy of a favorite hymn or Christian song.

Favorite Items

Designate a table to display the items the women brought—favorite scripture verse, photos, books. Number each item. Ask the women to try to identify who brought which item. After the reveal, give that person time to explain why it’s their favorite.

Favorite Books

If they brought a favorite book, ask them to share what they love about it. If they are willing, they may offer to exchange the book with another woman so they can read each other’s favorite.

Favorite Outfits

For those women who wore their favorite outfits, have a brief fashion show. Invite the women to walk the runway and explain their ensembles. Or ask someone to narrate the fashion show.

Favorite Songs

For those who brought a copy of the music for a favorite songs, try singing a couple of the favorites. Or locate them on YouTube and play them for the group, encouraging everyone to sing along.


For fall snacks, make a smorgasbord of the favorite fall snacks brought by the women. You may want to ask a few of them ahead of time to be prepared to bring items to share. After everyone has helped themselves, direct the conversation around their favorite food memories.

Other Favorite Things

Ask the women to make up a question that solicits a one word answer. For example: favorite color, movie, holiday.

The Sound of Music

Show a clip from The Sound of Music in which Julie Andrews sings “My Favorite Things.”

My Favorite Things

In “The Sound of Music,” Maria’s strategy for coping with life’s fears, hardships and sadness is to remember her favorite things. If she focuses her mind on these things, she doesn’t feel so bad. During this time together we shared some of our favorite things. What makes something a favorite? It could be that we associate it with good feelings, positive experiences, comfort, security or enjoyment. It is our favorite for personal reasons. Like Maria, thinking about your favorites things can put a smile on your face and change your mood.

Beyond merely thinking about favorite things to get into a better mood, Christian women will look to God to make a difference in our lives. We know that what we think about, what we dwell on, what we meditate on has a powerful effect on us. Scripture tells us, “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right and pure, and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Phil. 4:8, NLT).

What we allow into our minds influences our beliefs and behavior. The world bombards us with so many things that are contrary to God’s plan. We must guard our minds in order to grow in our faith. The enemy tells us lies, and we have to combat them with the truth. Better than “whiskers on kittens or bright copper kettles” are the promises and the truth found in God’s Word. The Father pours out on us His good and perfect gifts every day. But sometimes we miss them because the world crushes in on us. He give us His favorite things to us to help us through difficult days and to add blessing to our lives. James 1:17 explains, “Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.”

During this time together, we shared some of our favorite scriptures. It is good for us to share these treasures from God’s Word. This is how we can come along side one another and encourage each other. These treasures help us when life is challenging. The Word of God affirms that He is with us and He is for us. When we don’t know what to do, God’s Word gives us direction. When we are afraid, when we are hurt, when we are sad, we need our favorite scriptures to draw us near to God.

Did you learn anything new about someone today? Does anyone have some of the same favorite things as you? Knowing someone’s favorite will help to bring them to mind when you see them. Let’s commit to pray for one another and continuing sharing God’s Word with each other.

Closing prayer.