December 2024 – You are Priceless … the Best Gift Ever!

December 2024 – You are Priceless … the Best Gift Ever!

Note: Each worship program will coordinate with the monthly birthstone, their meaning, and their color to help with decorating ideas. Each birth stone meaning is linked to our identity in Christ. December Birthstone: turquoise, Color: Blue, Meaning: Friendship

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12; Luke 1:26-35, 38; 2:1-20, 10:27; John 3:16

Needed Items:

  • Tabletop nativity scene with individual pieces.
  • 5 gift packages with tags
  • Ribbon or string (at least 4 feet for each person)
  • Heart stickers or red markers to draw a heart
  • Scripture on slips of paper
  • Bible
  • The Salvation Army Song Book (one per person)
  • Print outs of a nativity banner with a hole punched in the top corner.

Links to a nativity banners:

Room Décor

If the room is not decorated for the season, use what Christmas decoration are on hand. As you will be assembling a progressive nativity scene., leave space in a prominent area for the scene.

Set Up

In preparation for the nativity scene by putting the figurines into 4 separate gift boxes along with a corresponding banner piece (enough for each member to have a piece). Note that the first package is not to have a banner piece since the first banner piece is of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. Place heart stickers in the 5th package. Using the tags, mark each package with a number. Use the list below as your guide.

  1. Mary and Joseph – Luke 1:26-35; 38
  2. Jesus – Luke 2:1-7
  3. Shepherds – Luke 2:8-20
  4. Wisemen – Matt 2:1 – 12
  5. Heart – Luke 10:27

Print the scripture references on slips of paper. Place them into the corresponding packages.

Program Outline
Pass out ribbons and Salvation Army Song Books*).

Welcome and Prayer

Open Package 1

Read Luke 1:26-35; 38 and place Mary and Joseph in the nativity scene.
O Come, All Ye Faithful, Song # 116*

Open Package 2

Read Luke 2:1-7 and place Jesus in the nativity scene. Then pass out the banner pieces and invite each person to add a piece to their banner by threading the ribbon through the holes.

Silent Night, Sing 124*

Open Package 3

Read the Luke 2:8-20 and place the shepherd in the scene.
Pass out the banner pieces and invite each person to add a piece to their banner.

 Hark! The Herald Angels, Song#108*

Open Package 4

Read Matt 2:1-12 and place the Wisemen in the scene.
Invite the women to add the banner piece to their banner.

O Little Town of Bethlehem, Song #118*

*The Salvation Army Song Book

The Perfect Gift

During the Christmas season, we give gifts to show others we love them. I think long and hard about the gifts I want to give. I will agonize over the quality, meaningfulness, and sometimes the practicality. I want my gifts to symbolize my love and the appreciation I have for the recipient. I want my gift to be perfect!

Once while exchanging gifts with a friend, I gave what I thought to be a terrific gift. The gift matched their personality flawlessly. It was fun and unique. When I opened my gift, I was surprised that my friend gave me a more expensive gift than what I gave to them. I felt awful and apologize profusely for the disparity in the gifts. But my friend said, “I gave you this gift because I love you and wanted you to have it.”

God gave us the ultimate gift of love, by giving us His son, Jesus. We read in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Because of Jesus’ life, His death, and resurrection, we can have forgiveness from sin and have a relationship with God. How can we compete with that? We can’t! He gave us His son because He loves us and wanted us to have eternal life with Him.

In the fourth verse of the Christmas carol, “In the Bleak Midwinter” by Christina Rossetti, it says, “What can I give Him, Poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise man, I would do my part; Yet what I can I give Him: Give my heart.” What can we give that shows God that we love Him and appreciate Him? We can give Him our hearts.

Open Package 5

Read Luke 10:27and invite the members to place a heart over Jesus on their banners.

Away in the Manger, Song #102*

*The Salvation Army Song Book


Dear Heavenly Father,

As we reflect on the birth of Your Son, Jesus, we are reminded of Your profound love for us. We know that nothing we can give can measure up to the love You have for us. Your perfect love is given to us as a perfect gift. May the giving of our hearts to You and others reflect our appreciation and dedication to you, our Lord. Amen