Decorations Create the feeling of a mermaid lagoon. Use green, teal, blue, purple, lavender and pearly white tablecloths and napkins....
Tag: Goodness

April 2019 — His Goodness Reigns (Rains)
April 1, 2019September 23, 2021By Major Beverly Lloyd
Decoration Using fishing twine hang open umbrellas, with the handles pointing down, from the ceiling. Attach pale blue streamers to...

March 2019 — Spring Fling
March 1, 2019September 23, 2021By Captain Jennifer Swain
“Everyone will share the story of Your wonderful goodness, they will sing with joy about Your righteousness” (Ps.145:7). Introduction Goodness...

November 2018 — Taste of His Goodness
November 1, 2018September 23, 2021By Major Lynn Stewart
Decorations Decorate using colors associated with fall—brown, orange or rust tablecloths. Place mason jars filled with fall flowers—chrysanthemums in yellow...

October 2018 — Reaping His Goodness
October 1, 2018September 23, 2021By Major Lawry Smith
Preparation Ask the women to bring an apple pie that they have baked. Cover a table with a red and...