September 2025 – Priceless Memories

September 2025 – Priceless Memories

Priceless Memories


With the invention of the iPhone, it became easy to take photos. We often capture the most mundane moments of our lives. Some of us even take photos of our food before we eat it. There was a time that photos were on film and were taken only on special occasions. In the 60s people wouldn’t have thought to snap a photo of their snacks. Camera film was saved for priceless memories, life changing moments. People would take photos of special moments so that they could remember them and share that moment with later generations.

Program Ideas

Setting up

Set the room up to be cozy and inviting place for conversation. Provide warm drinks like coffee, tea or hot chocolate along with light refreshments.

Activity One

Ask the women to bring in photos from their childhood, birthdays, and weddings. Those times that were meaningful in their lives. Invite them to share why they chose these photos.

Photo Sharing Prompts

  • Why did you choose this photo?
  • Why is this moment priceless to you?
  • Who is that in the photo with you? What do they mean to you?
  • If you could go back and take a photo of a precious moment that you didn’t capture on film, what would it be?

Activity Two

Activity Three

  • Have everyone pull out their phones, pick a random number and have them scroll back to that photo and share where it was taken and the significance.
  • Read Psalm 77:11-14. As you read these words, what thoughts jump out to you.

Priceless Memories

When you read the Old Testament, you can see God’s people frequently set up altars of remembrance so they could tell other generations what God has done to stir their faith. So often when times got rough, God’s people were quick to forget how powerful God was. We are more like them than we care to admit. When trials come, it is easy to become so focused on the problems that we too forget God’s power.

In Psalm 77:11-14, the Psalmist is urging the people to remember what God has done in the past. When we remember what God has done, it strengthens us to trust Him with today and tomorrow. We take pictures of weddings and babies to remember these special moments that changed lives, however, we don’t always have a photo of what God has done for us. Usually, the things God has done are harder to capture. They may even be some of the worst moments of our lives that were redeemed for good, or our worst choices from which we were rescued. We need to remember those precious moments when God guided us to make the right choice; when we experienced healing; when we were given strength in a battle, and when we were freed from the shackles of sin.

When the storms are raging, we need to remember what God has done for us in the past. It is so easy to forget His goodness and care when all around us feels chaotic. We need to share those priceless memories with our children and our grandchildren so that they too will know to turn to the Lord in times of trouble. We need to share with the lost and broken world of the great hope we have in the Lord so they too can know and believe.

Discussion Questions

  • What is one moment in your walk with Christ you don’t want to forget?
  • What can you do to keep the things God has already done for you at the forefront of your mind?
  • How can you share these priceless memories with someone this week?

Reflection Song ideas

“Precious Memories”- Alan Jackson available on YouTube

“Blessed Assurance” – The Salvation Army Song Book, #455

“The Story I’ll Tell”- Maverick City Music available on YouTube