September 2023 – Diligent Fingers

September 2023 – Diligent Fingers

Set Up and Description 

This is a prayer walk with five stations. It can be held inside the corps building or outdoors. Depending on the size of your group you may want to break the participants into smaller groups. The stations can be set up using tables or benches or choosing rooms for each station. For example: In the Others Station, place maps of different countries around the room or on the table. Place framed instructions at each prayer station. 

  • Station One: Healing – Have available large bandages, band-aids or ace wraps. With sharpie markers invite the women to write on the bandages the names of sick people in the community, corps, or people they know. Spend time in intercessory prayer for their healing.  
  • Station Two: Others- Place fabric/scraps from craft stores on the table. Invite the women to take a piece of fabric and to intercede in prayer for the artisans and women in 3rd world countries whose livelihood depends on the items that they make with their hands. Visit the website for further information about The Salvation Army’s participation in these types of programs. Focus on the safety and health for women in those countries.  
  • Station Three: First Responders – Place badges of firefighters, police, and medics on the table. Invite the participants to pray specifically for these first responders who are in a dangerous line of work. Pray for their safety and for their families.  
  • Station Four: Anti-Human Trafficking – Put chains of various sizes and lengths on the table. Ask the woman to hold a chain and pray not only for the victims of human trafficking but also for those involved in trafficking individuals.   
  • Station Five: I’m In – Invite the women to pray specifically for God to show them how He wants to use them as a group in your community. Provide specific information of how the group could be involved. This might be through Community Care, purchasing items from Trade for Hope, or securing additional information on how to be involved from the Anti-Trafficking Department at THQ. 


Serve finger sandwich or hand-shaped sugar cookies in honor of Diligent Fingers. Accompany with drinks of your choice. 

We Are Chosen, Just like Dorcas 

In Acts 9:36–42, we read about Dorcas, a kind woman who gave back to her community. She made clothes and provided food for those in need. Her story begins when she is growing ill and died. But then a miracle happened when Peter prayed for her. When he told her to get up, she did! This was a great a miracle, and while we should not lose sight of that, let’s consider the miracle as a legacy.  

Dorcas gave back to the Lord by giving back to her community. In Matthew we are reminded of this principle: “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ …. I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ ….” They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ …. “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ (Matt. 25:40-45). 

It is our job as believers and followers of Christ to give back to Him by serving others. In Matthew spoke the words of Matthew 25:40-45 to His disciples, His followers, before going to the cross. He explained to them how they could be His hands and feet by serving all types of people, not only physically, but with spiritual truth as well.  

We, Christ’s followers, are called to do the same thing. We are called to be His hands and feet. He has chosen us to be in this specific community for His purpose, with this group for His glory. He has given us tools and talents to make Him known to those in our community. We need to ask God how we, like Dorcas, can be of service. We can’t just sit here in this group doing nothing when there is a hurting world around us that needs Christ.  

In one of our prayer stations, we were asked to pray for the Lord’s specific leading on our group’s impact within this community—how He will use us to be His hands and feet. Dorcas took it upon herself to do just that. She used her service to give back to the Lord.  

Take this time to think about your community. You have already interceded on behalf of so many around you. Now is the time for you to ask God how He wants to use you, His daughter, His follower, to reach the broken ones in our sphere of influence.