November 2020 – Just Be Still … God Is the Bread of Life

November 2020 – Just Be Still … God Is the Bread of Life

Scripture: John 6:35


Thanksgiving is a day of great celebration and great sustenance. It is a day filled with family, fun and feasting. Just the mention of the word “Thanksgiving” instantly brings our minds to the many appetizing meal items on our dinner tables. You can find the traditional roasted turkey surrounded by stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, candied yams, cranberry sauce, salad, pumpkin pie and a bread item or two.

However, today’s worship program won’t focus on the traditional Thanksgiving turkey. Instead, we will consider Thanksgiving bread and study John 6 as we share about Jesus, the Bread of Life.

Bread Making Demonstration

If someone in the group enjoys bread making, ask her do a short demonstration on making a loaf of her favorite bread. Or find a simple bread recipe that would be easy to make during the meeting. There are many websites that list a variety of Thanksgiving Bread recipes, including one containing over 140 of these recipes: An alternate idea is to bake bread in a bread machine so that the aroma permeates throughout the meeting.


Supply a variety of bread items in baskets along with spreads—jams and jellies, peanut butter, almond butter, margarine, butter, and cream cheese. Provide a variety of cheese options and luncheon and deli meats. Complete your bread feast with a variety of tea.

Songs For Worship

Song #610—”My Life Must Be Christ’s Broken Bread”*

Song #802—”Break Thou the Bread of Life”*

Song #204—”Thank You, O My Father”*

*The Salvation Army Song Book

Thankful for God’s Spiritual Satisfaction

Opening discussion: What is your favorite type of bread?

Scholars believe that bread has been around for at least 30,000 years. It is mentioned over 400 times throughout the Old and New Testaments. Can you think of some of these references?

Many of us are familiar with the story of God sending bread from heaven to the Israelites during their journey to the Holy Land. This manna sustained them as God met their needs and provided for their nourishment. We also remember Jesus mentioning bread when tempted in the wilderness, reciting the Scripture passage from Deuteronomy 8:3. In addition, bread is mentioned in the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6. Later in Matthew 26, Jesus takes bread and breaks it, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”

There are many more references to bread in the Bible, but for today’s study, we will focus on the John 6: 5–13. It begins with the story of Jesus feeding the multitude. This miracle event is found in all four Gospels. You probably remember hearing about it in Sunday school. A large crowd followed Jesus and when it was time to eat, Jesus asked, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” A boy comes to the rescue with two small fish and five small loaves of bread. Jesus gives thanks and with these meagre items miraculously provides more than enough for everyone present.

Discussion questions: What can we can learn from this passage? What are the “fish and loaves” that you give to Jesus? How has Christ multiplied your offering? How has God provided for your needs?

Read John 6:32–35. Here Jesus mentions Moses and the manna from Heaven, which God provided. He also describes the Bread of God, which gives life to the world. Jesus identifies Himself as the Bread of Life and states that whoever comes to Him will never go hungry.

Discussion questions: What are some things we can learn from this passage? Did the crowd understand what Jesus meant when He talked about the Bread of God giving life to the world? What kind of hunger is Jesus referring to? Why would Jesus call Himself the “Bread of Life?”

Read John 6:47–51. Jesus continues to identify Himself as the Bread of Life. He states that those who eat this bread will not die but instead live forever.

Discussion questions: What are some things we can learn from this passage? According to verse 47, what must we do to have eternal life? The Israelites were the recipients of manna from Heaven; who are the recipients of the Living Bread? Jesus stated, “Whoever eats this bread will live forever.” What did He mean by this?

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this month, may we be thankful for God’s spiritual provision, the Bread of Life for the whole world. May we experience life in Him now and have the hope of life eternal. Partake of the Bread of Life today, and enjoy some Thanksgiving bread, too!