May 2025 – Barely Surviving or Thriving

May 2025 – Barely Surviving or Thriving

Barely Surviving or Thriving

Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30 NIV

Mental health awareness is crucial today as mental health issues affect a significant portion of the global population. With increasing stress and pressures of daily life, mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are becoming more prevalent, and it is important to recognize the signs and seek help when needed. Raising awareness about mental health can help reduce stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health issues, increase access to resources and support, and ultimately lead to better mental health outcomes for individuals and communities. However, raising awareness requires one to be aware of their own mental health, as it can help us better understand and support those who may be struggling.

Engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking, walking, or jogging can be a great way for women to get fresh air and exercise, which has been shown to improve mood and overall mental health. When blood and oxygen are flowing to the brain, we can increase our levels of serotonin and dopamine, which can positively impact brain health and mood. When we participate in these mood-boosting activities with others, this can lead to life changing impact. Likewise, exercising our creativity, such as painting, drawing, or crafting can be a fun and therapeutic way for women to express themselves, reduce stress, and increase feelings of well-being. Working on creative service projects together, with one goal in mind to work toward, can help foster a sense of community and connection within the group.

Service Project Ideas

  1. Mental Health Workshop

Create a safe space for women to share their experiences and feelings about mental health issues. The group can discuss topics such as stress, anxiety, depression, and ways to cope with them. Encourage members to support each other by sharing their own experiences and insights. Invite a local mental health professional to conduct a 1-hour workshop who can help facilitate talking points and educate.

  1. Create Mental Health Care Packages

You can organize a care package drive where women can contribute items such as journals, stress balls, essential oils, or self-care items, and assemble them into care packages for those in need of mental health support. The care packages can be distributed to local mental health clinics, shelters, or rehabilitation programs.

  1. Mental Health First Aid Training

Organize a training session on mental health first aid for community members. Mental health first aid training teaches individuals how to recognize signs and symptoms of mental health challenges and how to provide initial support to individuals in distress. The training can be facilitated by a mental health professional and can be conducted in-person or online. This service project can help increase mental health literacy in the community and empower individuals to provide support and resources to those who need it.

  1. Hope Letters

As a group, nominate 5 individuals to receive a “Hope Letters bundle.” A Hope Letters Bundle is a collection of handwritten letters of hope by the women in the group; reminding these 5 individuals of why they matter. These letters are meant to be real and honest words from the heart and intended to end up in the hands of someone who needs words of hope.

Come to Me

Matthew 11:28-30 is a well-known and comforting verse in the Bible, where Jesus invites those who are weary and burdened to come to Him for rest. Verse 28 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” This invitation from Jesus is a powerful reminder of His love and compassion for us. It acknowledges that life can be challenging and tiring, and that we may carry heavy burdens and worries that weigh us down. However, in this verse, Jesus offers us a solution – to come to Him and find rest. He doesn’t offer a temporary solution or a quick fix, but a genuine offer of rest for our souls. This rest can only be found in Him, and it comes with the assurance that we don’t have to face our struggles alone. As we go through life, we may be tempted to rely on our own strength and abilities to carry our burdens. However, this verse reminds us that we were not meant to carry these burdens alone. Jesus invites us to come to Him, to trust in Him and find rest in His love and care. When we surrender our burdens to Him, we can find the peace and strength we need to keep going.

Verse 29 is a continuation of Jesus’ invitation to those who are weary and burdened. In this verse, Jesus says, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Here, Jesus offers not just rest, but also an invitation to learn from Him. He invites us to take on His yoke, which represents a partnership with Him in navigating the challenges of life. By taking on His yoke, we learn from Him, walking in His footsteps and following His example. Jesus assures us that His yoke is gentle and His burden is light, in contrast to the heavy burdens we may carry on our own.

In verse 30, Jesus assures us that partnering with Him is not meant to be a difficult or strenuous task, but rather a source of comfort and relief. Through this verse, Jesus reminds us that walking with Him is not meant to be a burden, but rather a source of peace and joy. By taking on His yoke and following His example, we can find rest for our souls and experience the grace and love of God in our lives. Jesus’ invitation to take on His yoke is not just a call to find rest, but a call to a life of freedom and joy in Him.

Whether you’re literally walking or metaphorically walking with Jesus, remember that it is with the purpose that He can and will give you rest. That if you continue to show up and make a choice to walk with Him every day, you can trust Him to lead you to green pastures. You can trust Him to replenish and renew your joy.

Helpful Mental Health Resources:
