May 2024 – Beautifully Rooted and Wonderfully Made

May 2024 – Beautifully Rooted and Wonderfully Made

Scripture: Psalm 139:14


This program aims to celebrate women and their beauty through knowing that God created each of us uniquely different. It will allow us to see ourselves and others through God’s perspective, giving us a purpose to bring all the glory to Him.


Colorful tablecloths in spring colors with vases of fresh flowers.


Serve lemonade, iced tea, and flower-shaped cookies.

Service Project Ideas

  • Contact a local beauty school to see if they could offer their services to women in a local shelter. Facilitate the arrangements making transportation available to the women.
  • Hold a Spa Day at the corps, offering manicures and facials to social service clients, women who live in a shelter, or young women in your community.
  • Hold a beauty supply collection drive. Place the supplies in toiletry bags to be distributed through the corps social service office or given to women in a local shelter.

Discussion Questions

  1. Was there a time in your life when you felt particularly beautiful? (Wedding day, prom)
  2. Do you remember when it was even difficult to look at your reflection in a mirror? (Overweight, time of self–doubt, rejection, criticism)
  3. What helped you overcome negative thoughts?
  4. How does the Lord view us? (1 Sam. 16:7, “But God told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature.” Proverbs 31:30, “… Beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.”
  5. How can I be more beautifully rooted in Christ?

Beautifully Rooted and Wonderfully Made

Read Psalm 139.

This beautiful Psalm of prayer is an excellent reminder to us as women of the beauty and purpose we each have. God reminds us that He wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives.

This Psalm holds a very special place in my heart. Growing up, it was always hard for me to see my worth. I was told that I would never go anywhere in life. The constant disapproval and judgment I felt from my family made me feel worthless, and l went through a period of depression. This has also led me to spend most of my life worrying about what others thought of me and trying to prove my worth. However, through these times of depression and seeking approval, I was reminded of God’s message to me when reading Psalm 139.

This Psalm reminded me that God is with me wherever I go and that I am never alone. It allowed me to know my worth and purpose in life. Even when I try to hide my shame and guilt from God, He knows and speaks to me. Isn’t it amazing that God knows and helps us through any problems? No matter what you are going through, God knows, and He will guide you through your challenges and struggles. All this is to help us grow in Christ and be beautifully rooted in Him. Being beautifully rooted in Christ means living a life in God’s presence and not being worried about any fears, doubts, or comparisons.

Verse 14 says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” God made each of us with purpose and to have meaning in this world. We were made to bring glory to Him. We were made to worship Him. We can do this by recognizing that God made us in His image. He fashioned each of us beautifully and wonderfully. When God created us in our mother’s womb, He intentionally made us each unique. So, when you look at yourselves in the mirror, know that you are beautiful the way you are. The way God created you. When you look at your friend next to you, know that she is beautiful the way she is. The way God created her!

Today, it is so easy to judge ourselves from the way we look, speak, or by our gifts and talents. However, if we truly know how much God sets us apart by making us unique, we can be fully confident in the beautiful life He gave us. As we continue to grow in Christ, let’s be reminded of how beautifully rooted and wonderfully made we are as children of God.