March 2024 – Uproot Old Habits

March 2024 – Uproot Old Habits

Think About Your Habits

Discuss the following questions:

Do you know how long it takes to create a habit?

It takes 21 days to create a habit, but only a moment to break it. Think about any habit you have—reading your Bible, praying for others, eating things you know aren’t good for your body, being attached to your cell phone (scrolling through social media, playing games).

What kinds of bad habits do you have?

Some habits can be good, but some can too quickly become detrimental addictions. We often justify our actions so that we don’t feel so guilty for feeding our bad habits. There is a high chance that our bad habits may develop into addictions. Scripture tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that we won’t be tempted beyond what we can handle…so why do we so easily give in? Addictions take us away from the reality of life. We become so engrossed in whatever our habit is that we discover we are living in hiding—usually hoping no one finds out about our addiction.

From a medical view, no matter what your addiction is, it causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes you feel good. It’s the same for food, cocaine, gambling, or alcohol. Your body craves more dopamine so it can continue to feel good. The problem is that it will also make you feel bad at some point.

Instead of hiding our addictions, we need to find that soul friend who can help us and hold us accountable without judging us. Instead of reaching for our phone or comfort food, we need to reach out to someone who will help us and talk us through that addictive urge.

How can we get rid of bad habits or overcome an addiction?

It may sound trite, but praying is always the best place to start when trying to eliminate bad habits or overcome an addiction. If you know God, you know He loves you where you are—not where you think He wants you to be or where you may one day be. He loves you right where you are at this exact moment. Does He want better for you? Of course! But He loves you!

The big question is, “How does a person overcome unhealthy habits/addictions?” First, know that it doesn’t happen overnight. Chances are, you may slide back into addiction before leaving it behind entirely. Begin by replacing your unhealthy addiction with a healthy one.

If your addiction is food, that’s not something you can walk away from. There’s no going cold turkey. We must have food to fuel our bodies. However, we need the right kind of fuel. Unfortunately, carrots will never taste like chocolate, but by making different choices and trying new things, we can make better choices about how we fuel our bodies.

Start removing the foods you know are not good for you from your home. If your family complains, tell them they need to make better choices too. Check out Pinterest or food blogs/sites for ideas for healthier dishes. It doesn’t have to be a gourmet meal. Just something healthier than what you would typically prepare. I have learned that I can live without mashed potatoes. That was a big deal for me as I was a meat and tater girl all my life. I switched potatoes for brown rice, and I’m still alive! And honestly, I like brown rice.

Set goals for yourself. Don’t make it impossible, but stretch yourself. Setting smaller goals will keep you motivated. If it’s about food, try one new vegetable or healthy dish each week and don’t try it just once. Try preparing it in 2 or 3 different ways. You may be surprised and like one or all! Try substituting vegetable noodles for pasta. There are many other vegetables you can make “noodles” out of—spaghetti squash, zucchini and squash are a couple. If your phone is your addiction, instead of scrolling through Facebook or playing games, spend that time face-to-face with family and having honest conversations. Have a family game night, spend time in your Bible or be still with God and listen.

The bottom line is that our addictions take us away from our lives … our children, spouse, siblings, parents, friends and God. Satan loves having that kind of control. And let’s be honest—unhealthy addictions are Satan’s way of keeping us away from God and everyone else. We need to grow deep roots in the Word! Being in the Word is how we battle and put on God’s armor. The devil isn’t going to fight fair.

Here are some great resources to help you change your eating habits:


*Prepare this two weeks before the gathering.

What you need: three clear pots/cups, dirt, flower seeds (Petunias, Sweet Alyssum, Magic carpet seed mix), water

  • Pot #1: plant seeds a day ago
  • Pot #2: plant seeds one week ago
  • Pot #3: plant seeds two weeks ago

*Display seeds, pot #1, pot #2, and pot #3 on a table.

Finally, it is Spring! This season, you may see green sprouts, flower buds, and fresh green grasses. We have three pots displayed here today. Seeds were planted in each pot two weeks ago, a week ago, and a day ago. The seeds represent us in Christ.  The seed does nothing, but it will sprout if placed in dirt and watered. Its roots will begin to grow, as you can see. The more the roots grow, the stronger the plant becomes. This is how our faith works in our lives. Staying in God’s Word nourishes our soul, helps us be rooted and grow in Christ and produces flowers or good fruit.

In Matthew 2:10, Jesus said, “The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” When we are in Christ, and He is in us, there is no doubt that we can produce good fruit. However, we need to be careful not to fall into any temptations. What kinds of old habits still hold you from growing in Christ? First, identify what they are. You may want to write them down on a piece of paper. Second, in your prayer, talk to God about all your old habits and ask Him to help you get rid of them and help you reside in Him and grow. Third, read the Word of God. It will be your spiritual food that nourishes your soul. The more time you spend in the Word, your deeper roots go. And last, set your goals and walk through them with your fellow believers. It is hard to accomplish it on your own, but fellow believers may build up one another. First Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” Do not allow those detrimental addictions/habits to take root in your life. Hold on to God, who is faithful.