June 2025 – You are Priceless … A Pearl of Great Price

June 2025 – You are Priceless … A Pearl of Great Price

You are Priceless … A Pearl of Great Price

Note: Each worship program will coordinate with the monthly birthstone, their meaning, and their color to help with decorating ideas. Each birth stone meaning is linked to our identity in Christ.

June Birthstone: Pearl, Color: Pearl, Meaning: Generosity

Call to Worship

Scripture: Matthew 13:45-46, Zechariah 9:16


Write the following on a recipe card or cardstock.

How awesome it is to have a Heavenly Father who loves us!

We are like a pearl of great price.

Precious in the eyes of God.

Endorsed by the blood of Jesus.

Abled by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Revived for His Ministry.

Linked to God through daily prayer.

Glue a pearl on the corner of the card. Give it to each woman or have it in place where they are sitting. Place a bottle of water next to it that has a few pearls glued around the neck. Type the following Scripture on strips of paper and tape it around bottles of water. “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it” (Matt. 13:45-46 NIV). Remind the women that when we allow Jesus to minister to others through us, we are like a string of pearls, reflecting His light.

Worship Center

Place a large round mirror at the center of the table. Add white silk roses touched with gold glitter. Create a wreath with a tall white candle in the center and four small candles surrounding the tall candle. Place mini-pearls or pearl necklace around the candles.


Serve pearl tapioca pudding, or small cakes covered with tinted whipped cream and pearl sprinkles. Or press mini marshmallows into the whipped cream along the edge of a cake, exposing the round tops. Provide coffee, tea, and bottled water.

Program Outline

Welcome and Opening Prayer

Song, “I Found a Pearl of Greatest Price” SASB #869 (Tune: Happy Wanderer)

Crafting with Pearls

Invite the women to share about a gift of pearls they received.


Devotional “You Are a Pearl, So Is She.”

Prayer Requests, Closing Prayer

Crafts Using Pearls

In addition to the craft below, check the Internet or Pinterest for ideas for crafts using pearls.

Bookmark or Keyring


  • Sheer or satin ribbon ¼ to ½ inches wide.
  • Assorted Sizes of Imitation White Pearls
  • Small sparkling spacers
  • Jewelry wire, Jewelry wire cutter
  • Jewelry Pliers
  • Jewelry Crimps and Crimper
  • Thread and Needle


Cut ribbon 11-15” in length. This will depend on the size of the Bible or book that the bookmark will be placed in. Cut 3” of floral wire. String pearl and spacers on the wire. Use smooth jewelry pliers to create a small loop to anchor ribbon on to. Repeat on opposite side of ribbon. Put a small amount of clear nail polish on the edges of the ribbon to keep it from fraying. For a keychain, simply anchor ribbon onto the keychain loop.  Slide a pearl, spacer and 2nd pearl onto the opposite end of the ribbon. Tie knots in the ribbon at the top and bottom of the ribbon to secure pearls/spacers in place.

You’re A Pearl, So Is She

The kingdom of heaven is the place to be! The knowledge starts when we realize that we need Jesus. If we already know Jesus, then we have found the pearl of greatest price. Jesus paid a huge price for our salvation to bring us back to our Heavenly Father.

We read in Zechariah 9:16, (NIV), “The Lord their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people. They will sparkle in the land like jewels in a crown.” When we accept Jesus into our heart, we keep growing in our spiritual walk with the Lord through Bible study, prayer, worship, Christian friendships, and through the power of the Holy Spirit. That joy it should be evident in our life and as we sparkle like jewels in a crown.

Are we sharing with others that great joy, the good news of salvation that we’ve found in Jesus who is The Pearl of Greatest Price. By sharing our story, we bring the light of Jesus to others. That may be our neighbor, a best friend, the single woman who just started attending the corps, a co-worker. or perhaps a client in family services.  We should be sharing our story, allowing Jesus to create a string of pearls as each shares with the next person. Don’t fret, feeling like you can’t make a difference. When we worry, we waste valuable time. Just do it and God will bless you for it.

My Pearl Story

My husband bought me a beautiful ring with two pearls on it. One day I noticed that one of the pearls was missing. I looked everywhere for it, even bribing my two children to help me. With a sad heart, I showed the ring to my husband, sharing that I lost a pearl. Exhausted at the end of the day, I prayed asking God to forgive me for being focused on a single pearl that was lost. I had worried, wasting valuable time looking for it. The next morning, I stepped onto the carpet beside the bed, something stuck between my toes.  The lost pearl was found! My husband was happy to attach it back onto the ring for me, and I was thankful for the precious gift the second time around. I knew the value of that pearl. It was a real pearl, bought as a gift for me from my husband. It meant a lot to me because it was an expression of his love for me.

As precious as that pearl was to me, more precious is the knowledge that you and I are even more valuable to the Lord. I should not have been so worried about something that is not eternal. Of more importance, is sharing my story of how Jesus saved me and that He wants to do the same for others. He considers us pearls of great price.  When we have Jesus at the center of our lives, He gives us a song to sing and to share with others.

Closing: Prayer requests and prayer time

Allow women to share prayer requests that are on their hearts. Asking for prayer support either for themselves, a friend, or for someone or a situation in the community. Close in prayer asking the Lord to give them the opportunity to share their story and in so doing bring others to the feet of Jesus.