July 2022 – Grounds for Hope

July 2022 – Grounds for Hope


With seemingly never–ending tasks—families to take care of, work and other demands on our time—we often wonder how we can find a good balance in our daily lives. Being well grounded comes from reminding ourselves of Christ’s never-failing protection in all circumstances.

If possible, host this program outside. Consider meeting at a park or a nearby hiking trail. If this is difficult, host a virtual walk by putting together a PowerPoint presentation that features God’s creation.


Gather together and take a moment to reflect on the beauty of creation and the Creator. Have everyone breathe deeply and recognize the importance of being grounded at this moment. Following is a link for grounding techniques: https://www.healthline.com/health/grounding-techniques


For outside

Ahead of time, scout out where you go for the hike. Familiarize yourself with the level of energy needed and what is best for the women attending.

Set up several spots along the hike to stop and focus on how to ground ourselves. At each spot, 1) share a portion of the devotion); 2) focus on the beauty around you; 3) eat a snack, drink water and rest.

For inside

Prepare various spots around the corps where the woman will stop. Print beautiful pictures of mountains, trees, and rivers, and post them at each spot for the women to focus on. Have a nature soundtrack playing softly in the background. You can have multiple grounding stations. Plan on doing a part of the devotion at each spot.


Print the scripture and paste onto water bottles to hand out during your hike or have sitting on the tables if you are inside.


Focus on nature and decorate the tables with tan or beige tablecloths with plants, candles and rocks. Include printouts of beautiful scenery and scatter them on the tables.



When we are on a hike, we can often experience times of weariness as we navigate difficult paths and encounter unexpected trials (branches, bugs, rain). These things can stretch our endurance. When we face challenges in life, our faith can be tested as well. We need to take time to ground ourselves in the assurance of our salvation and in the hope of reaching our destination. Invite the women to share some current trials and difficulties that they are facing. Have the women stand in a circle and pray for the person on their right.

Grounds of Hope

Read Psalm 46:1–3 NIV.

  • Be Grounded in the Word—have a sure footing.

How many of you have tripped over something on the ground? There have been times when I placed my foot incorrectly and hurt myself. There are many things in life that can trip us up. We must have the ability to recognize the truth from lies. We read in Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” We also know that we do not need to fear anything in this life because we have hope, knowing that this life is not the end of our story. If God is our Lord and our Father, we will live with Him for eternity in the place He has prepared for us.

  • Grounded in Prayer—we are not alone.

Do you go hiking or for a walk on your own? There are times when we long for the solitude that comes from being by ourselves in nature. Even during these quiet times, we can have hope remembering that we are not alone. God is our refuge. He is the One we can run to; He is our strength. When we go to Him in prayer, He is with us on our journey. We are then free to enjoy life fully!

  • Be Grounded in Fellowship—help others along the path.

Was there a time when someone gave you hope in the middle of a difficult circumstance? These are the times that helps us keep going. Sometimes we need to rely on someone to help us on a particularly difficult or steep trail. We need to accept help as well as offer help to others. God is our ever–present help and is always there for us. As we recognize this truth, we have a purpose and are able to continue on even when times are hard. Take time for fellowship with God and with fellow Christians.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for the beauty of the nature you created. What a blessing to be a part of your many beautiful creations. Help us today to have hope as we are grounded in Your Word, in prayer and in fellowship. We read in Matthew 7:24-25, (Amplified), “ So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, will be like a wise man [a far-sighted, practical, and sensible man] who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” Help us to look to You as our help and our protector and to build our life on You, our solid rock. We trust You with all that concerns us today. Amen.