July 2022 – Block Party

July 2022 – Block Party


Our communities are composed of people of diverse races, languages and cultures. God’s desire is that all His creation be united. May we demonstrate harmony of the spirit and love for one another regardless of race, gender, age, social status or ethnicity. The Salvation Army has been called to celebrate God’s goodness and praise His greatness as one nation.

Program Ideas


  • Select a small group of women who will contact churches and community agencies, whether private or nonprofit, to invite them to participate and support the Block Party. When contacting the agency they will provide them with the following information:
    • A flyer listing the day, time and what will be provided.
    • The theme for the event.
    • A deadline to confirm if the agency wants to participate.
    • If they choose to participate, provide them with a list of supplies.
  • Another small group will contact local business to seek their support and request possible donations.
  • This group of women will be in charge of activities for the day (game stations, face painting station, prayer corner, snack and food station, including the barbecue).


  • Board Game Station—have various game boards sorted by age. Assign four people to be in charge.
  • Face painting station—Ask four people to take charge of of this station. You will need a table, paint, brushes and designs to choose from. Check Pinterest for ideas; (https://www.pinterest.com)
  • Prayer station—Ask two of the women to man this station. Provide pencils and paper so that the prayer requests can be written down. Assurance should be given that each request will be prayed over. One-on-one prayers should also be available.
  • Snack station—Four of the women should oversee and distribute the snacks. Have tables with snacks such as donuts, cupcakes, snack bars, water, coffee, and juice available.
  • Hot food station—Four of the women should be assigned to prepare hamburgers and hot dogs. Provide a table where condiments will be available.
  • Information station—Ask two women to be on hand to share information about the corps—times of Sunday services, youth activities and social services. Consider giving away Salvation Army branded items like notepads, pens, key chains.
  • Agencies station—Provide a table to each of the participating agencies, so they can hand out information about their services.
  • Devotional time—Start the event with a short devotional.

One Month Prior to Event

Follow–up with the agencies to confirm their attendance and check on what supplies they will need. Confirm that all volunteers are still planning to participate. Distribute flyers throughout the community.

One Week Prior to Event

Make sure all supplies are ready for the Block Party (tables, chairs, tablecloths, food, supplies, extension cords.) Confirm the arrangement to pick up the donated supplies. Continue to distribute flyers in the community.

Day of Block Party

Meet with all the volunteers and pray for God’s blessing on the event. Set up the tables, chairs, tablecloth, and food. Relax and leave the rest with God.


“So reach out and welcome one another to God’s glory. Jesus did it; now you do it! Staying true to God’s purposes, Jesus reached out to the Jewish insiders so that the old ancestral promises would come true for them” (Rom. 15:7–13, MSG).

God wants to show us that everything created in this world has a purpose. Humanity is His most beloved creation, each with a specific purpose, each under His love and care. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they failed their God given purpose and lost His protection.

The relationship between man and God was severed. Separation between one another began then as well. Jesus, the beloved Son of God, came to the rescue. He provided us with His care, love and unity linked by one love—the love of Jesus. He deplores division  by race, color, language or social status. We are one people, one nation, one kingdom in the eyes of God, through His Son.

For this reason, God has called us to celebrate together His feast and blessings without distinction. Let’s celebrate, the hope of salvation for all. People of all nations, celebrate God’s wonders!  “Sing to the LORD ; praise His name. Each day proclaim the good news that He saves. Publish His glorious deeds among the nations (Ps. 96:2-3, NLT). Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.