January 2025 – Aging Beautifully

January 2025 – Aging Beautifully

Aging Beautifully


As we age, we may notice some wisdom lines around our eyes or new silvery/white colors in our hair. Take a moment to look in a mirror. Look at that beautiful person looking back at you. How long has it been since you truly looked at yourself and not just around your face to correct something you may consider a flaw. Write down some things that you love about yourself. Now take some time to go around the room and write down what you think is beautiful about the other women in your group.

Program Ideas

Beautiful You

Supplies Needed

  • Place mirrors around the room for the women to look at themselves.
  • Provide paper and pens for the women to write what they love about themselves.
  • Print out a sheet with each of the women’s names written on the top. Ask the other women in the group to write what beauty they see in their sisters. They will take this home as a reminder of just how beautiful they are.
  • Print small reminder cards of God’s promise to those who hope in the Lord.


Lead a smiling exercise: Feel free to repeat steps as you lead. Sometimes people need a few more deep breaths to quiet themselves before participating in this kind of activity.

  • Firmly plant your feet on the ground and place your palms on your knees. Relax your shoulders. Colossians 2:7. “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”
  • Take a deep breath in and hold it for 5 seconds. Let the breath out and say, “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.”
  • Carefully form your mouth into a smile. God has created these muscles to do this action of smiling. Think about a time that a smile made your day. If you are comfortable sharing that memory, take some time to do so. Think about how your smile can make someone’s day. How can your smile show someone Jesus?
  • Allow your mouth to relax as you pray silently to ask that Lord to bless your smile as others see and experience it.
  • Take a deep breath again and smile. Take note of each muscle tightening and pulling as your mouth forms the beautiful smile that God has given you.
  • Look around the room and smile at each other.

Aging Beautifully

Play the song “Even in My Old Age.” YouTube (https://youtu.be/IeaDNylMvuo)

Scripture: Isaiah 40: 27 – 31 (Complete Jewish Bible)

“Why do you complain, Ya’akov (Jacob); why do you say, Isra’el (Israel), “My way is hidden from Adonai (God), my rights are ignored by my God?”  Haven’t you known, haven’t you heard that the everlasting God, Adonai the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not grow tired or weary?  His understanding cannot be fathomed. He invigorates the exhausted, He gives strength to the powerless. Young men may grow tired and weary, even the fittest may stumble and fall; but those who hope in Adonai will renew their strength, they will soar aloft s with eagles’ wings; when they are running, they won’t grow weary, when they are walking, they won’t get tired.”

As we age, we find that we tire a little more quickly. We don’t have the same strength as when we were young. Stairs seem a little steeper, roads a little longer. We can grow weary. Although we grow weary physically, the Lord will give us strength to do His will. No matter our age He still has work for us to do.

Isaiah was a prophet to Israel. In Isaiah 40 he is sharing with the people why they should feel comforted even in the midst of the hardships they are suffering. He tells the people about the great, marvelous, and awesome power of God. The portion we look at today ends with the promise that God does not grow tired or weary. Isaiah tells the people that if their hope is in God, they will be rewarded with renewed strength. Those who hope in the Lord will soar like the eagles, meaning that they will be able to reach incredible heights, they will run without growing weary. God will sustain them and help them endure, and they will walk without growing tired. The Lord will keep them energized to do his will.


Lord, I thank you for making me a beautiful part of your creation no matter my age. I thank you for the evidence that I see in my face and my life that you have always been good to me, even in difficult times. My prayer is that you use my life to shine your beauty to those around me. Help me to be your hands, feet, heart, tear ducts, and smile when I encounter others. Amen.