January 2022 – Hope For The Future

January 2022 – Hope For The Future

“’I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’”( Jer. 29:11).


This worship service is designed to encourage the women that there is hope for the future through remaining humble, wise and obedient to the Lord.

Room Set–Up

Set up the room with one long table where everyone can sit together and enjoy a banquet style meal. Place the food, drinks and desserts on a table on the side of the room. Serve buffet style or family style from the table.

Decoration Ideas and Preparation

Place party favors (such as two drink coasters tied together with a ribbon) on the tables. Add a tag with the text: “Hope for the Future” (Jer. 29:11). The women can take these home to remind them of this passage and the devotional thought.

Refreshment Suggestions

Invite everyone to bring their favorite side, dessert or meat. Make it a banquet, just like Abigail served David.

Worship Outline

  • Welcome and Prayer
  • Call to Worship
  • Song#573/TB#831 “Be Thou My Vision” (The Salvation Army Songbook)
  • 1 Samuel 25:1–44 NIV
  • Devotional: “Hope for the Future”
  • Song “Yes I Will”
  • Craft: Scripture Block
  • Closing Prayer

Call to Worship

Play the Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFsMXX6iOWw

Scripture Passage: 1 Samuel 25:1-44

Invite selected people to read the Scripture passage.

Following the devotional watch the Youtube video “Yes I Will”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrTv39-lG4M


Create a visual Scripture by printing the scriptures below and gluing them on the wooden blocks.

  • James 1:22 NIV
  • John 14:23 NIV
  • Matthew 7:24 NIV
  • Proverbs 10:17 NIV

Hope For The Future

Read 1 Samuel 25:1–44

Have you watched the TV show “Undercover Boss?” In this show the CEO of a company visits several stores or restaurants in his company without revealing his identity. It is interesting to see situations played out and observe people’s work ethic when they don’t know they are being filmed. It is interesting, too, to discover what they consider important in their lives.

When reading 1 Samuel 25, we witness Abigail’s true character. Her actions show her full submission to God’s leading. We can see that she cares about those who would be affected by her husband’s foolishness, his reckless decisions as he thinks only of himself. It was custom in his day to show appreciation to those who protected their people. But instead of thanking David, Nabal foolishly insults him.

Nabal was a wealthy man. His refusal to thank David was not a result of being poor, but an intentional decision to dishonor him. Abigail hears from one of the servants what has happened between Nabal and David, and she decides to act and do the right thing. She gathers all the gifts and sends servants to deliver them to David. The fact that she can gather all those items so quickly shows the extent of Nabal’s wealth. Thanking David would have cost him so little and would have been the noble thing to do. Nabal’s actions show that he was living up to the meaning of his name—“foolish.”

David was preparing to act in a foolish and vengeful manner himself. By following God’s leading, Abigail stopped something terrible from happening. Abigail prevented David from killing Nabal and all the men in his house. Her apology on behalf of her husband helped David to change his angry plan and to leave the matter in God’s hands to be resolved. In a situation that is anything but hopeful, one person can do the right thing and instill hope.

As we continue to read this passage, we learn that Nabal dies and Abigail is left without a husband. In those days, a woman without a husband had few options. She struggled to survive. Once David realized that Abigail was widowed, he sent her a marriage proposal bringing her hope for the future.

When we place our trust in the Lord and truly submit to Him, we have hope for the future. It is the kind of hope that only God can provide and completely changes a hopeless situation. This is the hope that we all seek and need. May we strive to be like Abigail—humble, wise and obedient.