February 2025 – You are Priceless … The Daughter of the King!

February 2025 – You are Priceless … The Daughter of the King!

You Are Priceless … The Daughter of the King!

Note: Each worship program will coordinate with the monthly birthstone, their meaning, and their color to help with decorating ideas. Each birth stone meaning is linked to our identity in Christ.

February Birthstone: Amethyst, Color: Purple, Meaning: Royalty

Scripture: John 1:12, 2 Corinthians 6:18, 1 John 3:1


Cover the tables with purple tablecloths. Place mirror squares or rounds on the tables. Scatter crown confetti and tiaras as the centerpieces. (Check Amazon.com for these items.)

Ice Breaker Idea

  1. Play the game “Pretty, Pretty Princess” by Hasbro and have the women keep the jewelry on for the rest of the meeting.
  2. Make paper crowns and ask the women to wear them during the program. The following website has directions for no-glue crowns: https://www.gathered.how/arts-crafts/how-to-make-a-crown-out-of-paper/).

Program Order

After the ice breaker, opening prayer and devotional, pick one activity from each category of Worship (Inward, Outward, Upward, found following the devotional).

Daughters of the King

What comes to mind when you think about worship? When I was young, I always associated worship with music. If you said we were going to worship, I immediately thought we were going to sing to Jesus. It wasn’t until I was much older that I realized that worship was a much bigger part of my life as a follower of Christ than just music. Worship is our response to God. It is our actions that flow out of our reverence of who He is and our relationship to Him.

One of my favorite descriptions of worship is as dimensions of inward, upward, and outward worship. Where inward worship is essentially our personal response in our hearts and minds towards God, outward worship is our behavior towards others flowing out of who God is, and upward is our response to God directly.

I now say worship is our inner, outer, and heavenward responses to who God is and done in a way that reflects our relationship to Him.

Today as we worship look at the following scriptures and answer the questions:
What role of God’s does Psalm 47:6, 7 mention? What do John 1:12, 2 Corinthians 6:18, and 1 John 3:1 say about our relationship with God?

What amazing news! God is King of all the earth, and we are His daughters. We are princesses. We are royalty! When we think of royalty a lot of things might come to mind. Even today royal lives come with both privileges and responsibilities. You will often find royalty, especially the princes and princesses traveling around to represent their country and its interests; throwing fundraisers; and volunteering their time, as well as enjoying their riches and castles. You may picture them traveling the world in precious jewels.

You may think about purple and amethyst when you think of the word “royal.” Purple is considered royal because in the past it was very rare due to how difficult it was to produce. This made it very expensive and only the elite or royalty could afford to wear it. Lydia in the Bible (See Acts 16) was a wealthy dealer in purple cloth. The value of purple cloth was found in its rarity. Our value is found in our identity in Christ. Our relationship with God. If He is King and we are His daughters, that makes us daughters of the Most High King.

Today let our worship flow through the knowledge that we are daughters of the King. We are valuable because we are His. We can inwardly recognize that we have both privileges and responsibilities as His daughters. Our worship heavenward or upwardly should recognize that God is the King of Kings. What a joy to burst with praise for our King as Psalm 47 declares. In our outer responses, we should be working towards expanding our Father’s Kingdom and being representatives of Him.

Inward Worship Ideas (Reflection)

Option 1: Invite the women to bring a photo of themselves and cover it with purple Mod Podge to remind them of their worth in God. Surround the photo with amethysts

Option Two: Play worship music and invite the women answer the following:

  1. What privileges have I taken or not taken as God’s daughter?
  2. Where can I serve my community as God’s daughter?
  3. Why does God call His children to love as He loves?
  4. How can I allow God to use me to expand His Kingdom in this world?
  5. What does it mean to be a part of the kingdom of God?

Option Three: Play worship music as the women read through the following passages and answer the question. Scripture: John 1:12 and 1 John 3:1. Answer the following question:

  1. What do these passages mean to you?
  2. What do they mean for your identity and your relationship with God?

Song Ideas for Reflection Activities on YouTube

  1. Who You Say I Am by Hillsong (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKw6uqtGFfo)
  2. Behold Our God by Sovereign Grace Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqrli3Lkf58)
  3. King of Kings by Hillsong (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQl4izxPeNU)

Song List Ideas for Reflection Activities (Spanish) Editor’s Note: Include on the Spanish Version only.

  1. Quien Dices Que Soy de Hillsong (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpe-FhRozJ0
  2. Contempla a Dios de Sovereign Grace Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA_svv5diQQ)
  3. Rey de Reyes de Hillsong Worship and Hillsong En Español (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCtB-hKadIk)

Option Four: In purple paint write the words “Daughter of the Most High King” on hand mirrors purchased from the dollar store.

Upward Worship Ideas

Option One: Teach the women a new worship song. After they’ve learned it, ask them to close their eyes and sing it to the King of Kings: For example, “Jireh.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC-zw0zCCtg

Option Two: Pray through Psalm 47, reading it as a prayer and asking God to make it your praise and your thoughts.

Option Three: Write a letter to God telling Him your favorite name for Him and why you are thankful He is that for you. (See this website for a free printable). https://www.moneywisesteward.com/names-of-god/)

Option Four: Ask the women to stand or sit in a circle. Invite them to testify of how great God is and how they have seen Him in His role of King of Kings.

Outward Worship Ideas

Option One: Make jewelry to sell at a craft sale with the proceeds going to World Services.

Option Two: Ask everyone to bring jewelry items and place them in bags. Either auction the bags or sell them with the proceeds going to World Services.

Option Three: Take a few moments to lift each woman up in prayer reminding them that they are daughters of the King Most High.

Option Four: Write cards to the women in a local nursing home or hospital, reminding them they are precious to God.