February 2025 – There’s No Friend Like a Good Book

February 2025 – There’s No Friend Like a Good Book

There’s No Friend Like a Good Book

Back to Reading

When was the last time you read a book? There are a lot of different ways to read/hear a story. There are many different opportunities which can be found at a local library. The adventure is yours. Pick the genre which you find enjoyable, but also expand your mind to something new. In the words of Ernest Hemingway, “There is no friend as loyal as a book.”

Below you will find some suggestion to encourage you get back to the love of reading.

  1. Library cards are free and offer so much more! Looking at my local library’s web page I found this wealth of information: calendar of events which host special speakers, crafts, STEM activities, book clubs, puzzles, and activities sorted out by age groups.  There were ways to sign up for electronic books (called eBooks) and they can be downloaded to your device (tablet, laptop, phone). You will never have a late fee.
  2. Audio books. This is something new for me within the past year. I currently have a 45-minute drive to work. What could I do during this time besides drive? I decided to give audio books a try. I was worried my mind would be preoccupied with other things and I would miss out on the storyline. It does happen, but you can conveniently rewind. Also, the speed of the dialog can be changed to faster or slower.
  3. At my library I found the Libby app (which is free). I entered in my library card information, which gave me the option of an audio book or eBook. For certain books there may be a wait depending upon availability and popularity. If waiting is not for you then check out Audible (app) at audible.com. There is a free trial but eventually you pay a fee.
  4. Goodreads (app) is also free. This allows the reader to discover and track their reading. For instance, books can be added which you have read or want to read. Friends can be added so you can see what they are reading. They will also have a list of the most anticipated books to read and recommendations. I like to use their list of “Popular 100 books to Read Before You Die Books.” This list will include the classics all the way to current books.
  5. Also available is a list Amazon puts out for the top 100 book list.
  6. BookBub will notify you when eBooks go on sale. Prices vary from free to 99 cents to $4.00. You can personalize what genre you would be interested in purchasing. Sign up at: BookBub <info@bookbub.com>

So Many Books, So Little Time

Reading is something that I’ve always loved. I remember as a child going to the library and the smell of books was in the air. I always checked out the most books I was allowed. When we moved to an area where the library was not accessible, I received an allowance to wander over to the local bookstore to purchase a book. The women there were always so kind and would help me in picking my next selection.

Books can take you to a place only accessible in your imagination. It can give you a break from day-to-day living. It can transport you to a different land, a different time, or even a different culture. It gives you rest from the mundane of daily living.

The selected scripture states, “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty” Ps. 91:1 (NIV).  When was the last time you gave your mind a rest?  We all need a break.  When you read/listen to a book it automatically sends your mind somewhere else. It gives you moments of excellent self-care. In this scripture God is instructing us to rest in His shadow. Many of us find resting difficult. Our minds keep moving to the next thing that we should be doing. So instead, take a deep breath and let your imagination wander.

Picture a huge shade tree. You are sitting at the base in the shadow that it’s branches cast. Feel the cool breeze on your face. Listen as the crickets sing in their choir. Smell the lingering scent of the flowers. See the ants as they work tirelessly. Taste the berries from a nearby bush. You are relaxed, you are comfortable. All your worries or anxieties have left. Quietness has taken over. This is how I picture resting in the shadow of the Almighty. This is what God invites us to do. It’s not always easy. We tend to want to do things ourselves instead of giving them to Him. He has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us. Dwell in Him. Peter 5:7 states, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

I encourage you today to find a book, light a candle and grab a cozy blanket.  Take time for yourself and rest in the shadow of the Almighty!