Scripture: Luke 2:4-20
It’s that time of year again. The time when my husband will walk into the living room to find me watching yet another Hallmark Christmas movie. I have often thought about what draws us to watch these movies year after year. I believe it’s because they give us hope for love, happiness, overcoming life’s obstacles and compassion. But we’ve already been given these gifts in a scene that was played out years ago. A scene that began with the Christ Child offering us hope, love, compassion, strength and everlasting life when He was sent as the greatest gift.
Add some fun to your Hallmark movie party by printing games found on Pinterest and Etsy. Hallmark Movie Trivia Quiz and Hallmark Christmas movie bingo are some choices. Hallmark Christmas movie prizes can be found at your local Hallmark store and online.
Make your room festive by adding printed titles of Hallmark movies for the walls, a small Christmas tree on the snack table, a manger scene to represent the greatest gift, green and red tablecloths and decorations.
Movie and Refreshments
Choose a Hallmark movie that goes along with the theme “When you care enough to send the best.” Set out popcorn and hot cocoa. Provide the women with a bowl that states “This is my Hallmark Christmas movie watching popcorn bowl.” Ask the women to bring their favorite movie candy to share.
The Very Best
It was the morning of December 25, 1986. I can still remember by brother running into my room and shouting “Feath, Feath, wake up. We ran out to the living room and found our stockings overflowing along with beautifully wrapped presents under the tree. The lights on the tree were sparkling alongside the silver tinsel. The cardboard Christmas village was atop the fireplace hearth, the manger scene with the sweet baby Jesus, which I always wanted to play with, was on the bookshelf. An empty plate of homemade sugar cookies was proof that Santa had indeed enjoyed our offering. I can still feel the joy from that morning almost 40 years ago.
We ran to Mom and Dad’s room begging them to hurry and get up. My brother and I could hardly contain our excitement. As I tore the wrapping off a gift, there was the most beautiful doll I had ever seen—a red–haired corn silk cabbage patch kid with a beautiful pink dress adorned with eyelet lace. A doll whose hair I would spend countless hours brushing and braiding, who would lay alongside me at night and whom I would cherish for years to come.
It was the greatest gift. My Mom had spent hours in line to get the doll her little girl wanted more than anything. Dad working overtime to pay for the purchase of the gift. But the reaction of that girl when the wrapping paper was torn away to reveal the precious doll inside was priceless.
That morning an eight–year old girl received her most precious gift not realizing that there was an even more amazing gift she had not yet heard about. It was a gift that was sent many years ago. My first picture of Jesus as a baby was in the little manger set that my mom would set out on a shelf every Christmas. To me the baby Jesus was the cutest and most special part of the Christmas scene. But I had no idea who He was or the impact He would have on my life. I wonder how many people truly understand the meaning of the manger scene. The tiny, sweet, helpless baby that lived an amazing life, died for sinners, and will return to earth as the Kings of Kings.
Read Luke chapter 2:4-20, The Christmas Story.
Do you still picture the most amazing gift sent to us as a sweet, helpless baby in a manger or is He your Lord? Have you allowed Him to grow up in your life? I was clueless to the sacrifice my parents made for me during my childhood. All they wanted was for their little girl to have Christmas joy.
May we be fully aware of the greatest sacrifice made so that we could experience joy, peace, love, forgiveness, and eternal salvation. God cared enough to send the very best—His Son, Jesus.
Prayer—Offer a time of reflection and prayer.