Priceless Memories Introduction With the invention of the iPhone, it became easy to take photos. We often capture the most...
Category: Fellowship Programs
August 2025 – Priceless Summer
Priceless Summer Introduction Gen. 8:22 “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter,...
July 2025 – My Body – Priceless
My Body – Priceless Introduction “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who...
June 2025 – See You at the Movies
See You at the Movies Introduction Following God means being a part of His family valued by Him. We are...
May 2025 – Precious Treasure
Precious Treasure Introduction God has surrounded us with a precious treasure—our world. Do we truly enjoy it and thank Him...
April 2025 – Your Voice is My Favorite Sound
Your Voice is My Favorite Sound Scripture References: Psalm 100; Ephesians 5:19, 20 Decorations Place sheets of music on the...
March 2025 – Teatime with My Sisters
Teatime with My Sisters Introduction A tea party is always a fun time. It’s a time where the women can...
February 2025 – You Are Priceless!
You Are Priceless! Introduction Have you ever felt discouraged and worthless? Sometimes our emotions can get us down. If we...
January 2025 – Aging Beautifully
Aging Beautifully Introduction As we age, we may notice some wisdom lines around our eyes or new silvery/white colors in...
December 2024 – Happy Birthday, Precious!
Introduction We are coming into the season of Christmas. A time of celebration, of gift giving, parties, family, and fun! ...