August 2025 – Defense-ability

August 2025 – Defense-ability


Scripture: Psalm 82: 4 NIV, Galatians 6: 9-10 NIV


We as Christians should defend others by showing validation, acceptance, care, and most of all, love.  Scripture is full of verses telling us to love one another and to encourage one another. This program gives us a chance to validate one another and take care of those in difficult circumstances.

Opening Game

 “Cross This Line

How to Play: Place one long line of painters’ tape down the middle of the room. At the start of the game everyone is standing on the line, side-by-side, facing the same direction.  The host will make a statement. Everyone on the line moves forward if they identify with the statement, move backwards if they don’t, or stay on the line if they choose to pass.  Example statements are: “I like broccoli” and they become progressively become more serious such as, “I sometimes feel unworthy of love.”  Periodically the game host can say “Look around at those who are experiencing some of the same things you are. You can pick statements that you know may show people their similarities so they can understand that they’re not alone. If someone stands out on a statement alone, the other women can validate her by saying “we see you and we’re here for you.”

At the end of the game say: “You can see that you are not alone and that you are surrounded by others that love you, many who are experiencing the same situations as you. We are going to take some time and serve others today so they can also know they are supported and valued.”

Service Project Ideas

Cupcakes of Encouragement:  You will need cupcake to-go containers, cupcake toppers you can write on, metallic markers, and printed invitations. The group will make and decorate cupcakes to take to individuals that they feel may need an uplifting message. They can write a message on the cupcake topper and along with the cupcake extend an invitation to join the group for future events.

All for One:  Choose a woman or family in the group or community that is going through a difficult time. Ask everyone to bring a small item of encouragement along with a personalized card.  Prepare a meal and deliver the basket and meal to that family.

Encouraging One Another: Give each woman a piece of card stock and ask her to put her name on the top of it. Ask the women to write encouraging words to each other on the card. Frame them so that the women can look at the words and remember that they are special and loved.

Love and a Cupcake

In one of my first appointments there was a little girl with a big attitude. When asked to do something, she usually smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. She was a beautiful girl, but she didn’t know it, and when I would speak about Mia to some of the other leaders they would say “Which one is Mia? You mean the little mean girl?” It was discouraging that Mia was referred to by the church leaders at the “mean girl.” Insecure? Maybe. But mean? Not hardly. Showing Mia love and patience became my mission.

I did routes to pick up the children for youth activities every Sunday and Wednesday, and I would greet Mia the same way every time, “Hey there Sunshine, I missed you.” And she would respond the same way every time, with an eye roll and a lip smack. One day when I said my usual, she responded with a “Hey Ms. Rachel.” I was elated. We were getting somewhere.

I prayed for this little girl, loved her, tried patience when she would sometimes lash out or withdraw from the adults that she didn’t really trust, including me. I wondered if I was getting anywhere, and I prayed that the Lord would help me make a difference. And then it happened.  One Sunday morning I pulled up in front of Mia’s house and she came out with a little plate with a napkin covering a cupcake. She had an actual smile on her pretty little face. She opened the door and I said, “Hey there Sunshine, I missed you.” She said “Here,” as she pushed that birthday cupcake over to me. I asked what this was for, and she said, “I was at a birthday party yesterday and I saved it for you.” I ate that stale cupcake doing a little happy dance as I sat in her driveway and I said “Oooooh girl, this cupcake is delicious! It tastes just like love.” She couldn’t help herself anymore. She let out the most perfect little giggle. Of course, it was followed by an eye roll and “Ms. Rachel, you’re so weird.”

The word “defensibility” means the ability for one to be defended. Mia wasn’t in a place in her life where she was able to defend herself, that was my job as her leader. There are those who are hurting or weak and it is our responsibility to defend the poor and needy (Psalm 84:4). To this day, it’s one of the best Sundays I can remember because I knew that the Lord was faithful. We did see huge improvement in Mia as she grew, and learned, and became more confident.

Sometimes, those we serve may not appreciate it or even notice, but our responsibility is to continue to take care of the poor and needy, and we will reap the harvest (Galatians 6: 9-10).  I’ll tell you this, if you ever love to the point of a stale cupcake in a 12-passenger van, all the effort would have been so worth it.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you have a time in your life that you have had a similar situation to Mia? What happened?
  2. Have you ever had a time where you could identify with Mia, and someone continued to be patient with you?
  3. What are some practical ways you could love the youth or others in our corps family?