April 2025 – Know Your Worth

April 2025 – Know Your Worth

Know Your Worth

Note: Each worship program will coordinate with the monthly birthstone, their meaning, and their color to help with decorating ideas. Each birth stone meaning is linked to our identity in Christ.

April Birthstone: Diamond, Color: range in color but colorless are the most popular, Meaning: Eternal Love

Set-up and Supplies

  • Round tables, screen
  • Conversation cards – Two Per Table (See below – use index cards)
  • Bible book-marks
  • Small journals or notebooks
  • Markers, colored pencils, highlighters


Set up a refreshment station with finger sandwiches, pastries, fruit, coffee, and a selection of tea.


Welcome and Opening Prayer

Praise and Worship 

Invite the women to sing along to the song “Goodness of God,” which is available on YouTube:

Goodness Of God (Lyrics) ~ Bethel Music – YouTube

Conversation Card #1

  • What is one thing you like about yourself?
  • Draw an image in your journal of what that looks like and share.

Scripture Reading

“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” (Ps. 139:16-18, NLT).

Conversation Card #2

  • What does God think about me?
  • Draw an image in your journal of what that looks like and share.

Scripture Mapping Activity

“I have called you by name; you are mine” (Isa. 43:1, NLT). God shaped us as a potter does clay. God has not only created us but formed us and called us to serve Him in specific ways, tailored to each life. Take some time to think through each of the questions below and make note of anything else that comes to mind.

  1. Read and the write the verse.
  2. Look at the context of the chapter.
  3. Look at two or three other Bible translations. (Multiple translations are available from https://www.biblegateway.com.)
  4. Choose and research keywords from the scripture passage.
  5. Application and reflection
  • How can I apply this verse to my life/situation?
  • What did I learn about God from this verse?
  • End in prayer.

For further information visit the following website:


or for further information on this subject. Templets can be purchase from: Bible Verse Mapping Printable Template Bible Study Guide – Etsy.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Mirrors can be our best friend and sometimes our worst enemy. We often look in the mirror to make sure we look good and are put together. At other times, we look at ourselves and begin to critique every slight imperfection. Our minds start to spiral out of control with negative thoughts about our identity and worth. In today’s social media culture, we seek acceptance through “likes” and “shares,” and in so doing we lose sight of our worth.

To be worthy by the world’s standards can mean being wealthy, beautiful, or famous. In God’s eyes, we are beautiful, daughters of the King, worthy. Christian author and speaker Jennie Allen said in her book Get out of your Head, Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts, “When you and I choose to believe a lie about ourselves, it’s one of these three lies: I’m helpless. I’m worthless. I’m unlovable.” These lies that we tell ourselves are the opposite of who we are in God’s eyes.  God says you are good. In other words, “God don’t make no junk.” We see this throughout Genesis. Genesis 1:31a says: “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.”

God says you are loved. God’s love is unconditional, unending, unmistakable; we are His beloved. We read in Romans 5:8, NIV, “But God demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God says you are worthy. “You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book! How precious it is, Lord, to realize that you are thinking about me constantly! I can’t even count how many times a day your thoughts turn toward me! And when I waken in the morning, you are still thinking of me!” (Ps. 139:16-18).

Praise God for these reminders of truth from God’s word. We need to walk in our worth and remember who and whose we are.

Works Cited – Allen, J. (2020). Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts (Illustrated). Waterbrook.