Every Day is Earth Day!
Read John 15:5.
Purpose: Our environment is priceless. We need to make every effort to protect our environment through protecting water and clean air.
Suggested Activities
Check the following website to look up the air quality in the city where you live.
Tower of Terror
In weeks prior to the meeting, ask women to collect items such as milk cartons, gum wrappers, egg cartons, toilet paper rolls, soda cans. On the day of the meeting have a competition to see who can build the tallest/most creative/ most colorful centerpiece for your program tables. Provide tape and glue guns for crafting.
Plastic Pollution Quiz
https://www.earthday.org/plastic-pollution-quiz/ Have the women take this quiz. It could be projected on a screen, or the questions could be read out loud. The women could respond on paper or verbally, and then share the answers at the end of the quiz.
Fashion Quiz
https://www.earthday.org/sustainable-fashion-quiz/ The following is another quiz regarding to the fashion industry that the women could complete.
Clean Up
Host a 15-minute clean-up inside and outside of your meeting location. Have the group separate items between what can be recycled and what is trash. See attached recycling guide. https://www.howlifeunfolds.com/sites/default/files/2023-02/Paper%20Recycling%20Printable.pdf
Fashion Garment Swap
Host a sustainable fashion garment swap. Before this meeting, invite the women to bring a few items of clothing that they no longer wear to swap with other women in the group. Donate all leftover items to a Salvation Army Family store or local thrift store.
Wastefree Grocery Shopping
Describe what a wastefree grocery shopping trip might look like.
Recycling Paper
Visit this site for tips of paper products that you can recycle.
Earth Day
Read Psalm 51: 10-13.
The original observance of Earth Day began on April 22nd, 1970, when citizens realized that our planet was in danger. As pollution of water and air increased, so did the concern of scientists, politicians, and the public.
Show the short news report regarding past Earth Day observances. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/almanac-the-first-earth-day/
Everything on our earth needs water and air to live. According to Earthday.org, the amount of plastic in the ocean will outweigh the population of fish in 2050. This may seem far away, but our children’s generation will most likely see this come to fruition. Our fish will die. The world’s water supply will be even more at risk, and the affects of worldwide pollution could be devastating. It can be discouraging to hear the large numbers associated with the amount of plastic waste and clean water being carelessly used, but even the small act of using a reusable straw could make an impact in the future of our Earth. When we begin to remove waste from our daily living, it can help improve the quality of life for the world around us.
Our relationship with Christ is similar to our dependency on water and air. John 5:15 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” Without Christ, we are unprotected from attacks that the evil one brings. If we turn a blind eye to sin, our relationship with God will falter.
If we allow spiritual impurities such as jealousy, hate or unforgiveness to take up residence within our hearts, the fruit of the Spirit will no longer have room to live. Galatians 5:22 says, “But the Fruit of the Spirit, is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” This is the fruit that our lives produce when we remain connected to the Lord. When our lives begin to produce the fruit of the Spirit, that is when we can impact the world around us. Love, joy, and peace—who wouldn’t want that? Our lives begin to reflect Jesus, and He has the power to change hearts. Just as we are responsible for taking care of the Earth the Lord so beautifully created, we are accountable for what we allow in our hearts. May we begin again today, in caring for the world in which we live and for our souls within.
1.What does it mean to “remain” in Him?
- When the world around us seems overwhelmed with distractions, what are ways that we can stay connected to Christ?
- Is there a place in your heart where you have allowed pollution in? Take this time to pray and ask the Lord to remove any impurities and to replace them with the Fruit of the Spirit that comes only from Him.
Optional Time of Prayer Music: “Create In Me a Clean Heart” written by Keith Green
or “Broken Vessels” written by Hillsong United available on YouTube.
Close in Prayer