March 2025 – Eternal Home

March 2025 – Eternal Home

You are Priceless … You Have an Eternal Home

Note: Each worship program will coordinate with the monthly birthstone, their meaning, and their color to help with decorating ideas. Each birth stone meaning is linked to our identity in Christ.

March Birthstone: Aquamarine, Color: Ranges in color from light to deep blue, Meaning: Hope

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-4


Display travel posters around the room, or make them using ads from magazines, pictures of train trips, bus, vehicles, or planes. Images could be downloaded from the Internet. Use road maps in the center of the tables, topped with simple flower arrangements and small toy objects depicting different modes of transportation.


Hand out snack packs, containing cheese, nuts, crackers, fruit, ham/salami. Like Lunchables® but made for adults.


When the women arrive give them a snack pack along with along with a travel ticket. which will be used in the alphabet travel game.

Travel Games

Hug Bug

Hide small pictures of Volkswagen Bugs around the room. (Check the Internet for images.) Just like the game “slug bug,” but hugs are given instead of slugs. The women “travel” around the room looking for “Hug Bugs.” When they find one, they shout, “Hug Bug” and hug someone. They keep the bugs and at the end on the game the one with the most hug bugs wins a prize.

Alphabet Travel Game

From the posters and centerpiece objects the women try to find the items beginning with each letter in the alphabet. They write the word on the back of their ticket. The first woman to finish wins a prize. Make sure that the travel posters or items contain all the letters of the alphabet.

Famous Names

The first woman names a famous person, living or dead. The second person must name someone whose name begins with the last letter of the previously famous person.  For example:  If the first name is Doris Day, the next person must name an individual whose name starting with the letter “Y” as it’s the last letter of the name Doris Day. The next person could use Yul Brenner. For a simpler version, have the first women name an individual whose name starts with A. The second person give a name starting with the letter B, continue through the alphabet. In both versions, if they fail to come up with the next famous name, that person is out of game.

A Trip

When I was in my twenties, my grandmother and I took a trip to Cheyenne, Wyoming, to see family. My grandmother was a great planner, and every detail of the trip was planned. She had a map with our route laid out, which was easy to follow. Every detail was taken care of— motels, highways, restaurants, sights to see. We had a great time. I even made a scrapbook when we got back home.

The second trip was to a retirement seminar. With only two years left until we would retire, my husband and I thought it would be prudent to attend. I got online and made my reservations. There was no trouble with the flight down. It was all very straightforward and simple. Kodiak to Anchorage to Seattle to LAX., long flight, but simple all in one day.

The flight home … not so easy. I decided I would spend two weeks with my sister, who lives in Petaluma, California. I tried everything, but this is all I could book was LAX to Santa Cruz (I was aiming for Oakland!) to Portland. Where I was to spend the night. Then the next morning back to Oakland. How crazy!

We read in 1 Peter 1:3-4, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable, undefiled, and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you.” No muss., no fuss, simple, and reserved for you.

There are several meanings of the word “reserved.”

  1. Kept or set apart for some particular use or purpose.
  2. Kept by special arrangement for some person: a reserved seat.

This year’s women’s ministry theme is “Priceless.” You are priceless because God and His great mercy gave us a one-way ticket on “Salvation Airlines” to heaven. You are priceless and obtain an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and won’t fade away. What that means is that it won’t go away, evil can’t be found, so no one is going to hurt you there. It an eternal home that is yours always because you are priceless.

You are priceless because your place is RESERVED, and no one can take your place. It’s yours. No one else. It can’t be stolen, removed or resold. It is all yours because of the love God has for you. You are Priceless!