March 2025 – Teatime with My Sisters

March 2025 – Teatime with My Sisters

Teatime with My Sisters


A tea party is always a fun time. It’s a time where the women can feel elegant and experience a few moments of relaxation and fellowship around the table.

Program Ideas

Table Settings

Many craft stores sell beautiful floral items which can be used on the tables. Thrift stores are also excellent resources for purchasing a variety of teacups and teapots. Tablecloths, pretty plates, napkins, centerpieces all lend an air of daintiness and elegance. Tiered sandwich holders make pretty table centers, especially when loaded up with a variety of finger foods. This can even be a craft: dollar store plates, candle holders and a glue gun are all that is needed to make pretty serving dishes. Fill them up with crustless sandwiches, chocolate dipped strawberries, and scones. A variety of teas with milk, cream, honey and cubed sugar make it more fun and allow for experimentation. Keep some coffee on hand too for those who love coffee more than tea.

Types of Tea Reference

Check the following website for different varieties of tea.,%2C%20pu%2Derh%20and%20yellow.

Benefits of Tea

This website outlines the health and wellness benefits of tea.

Tea Quiz

Test the women’s knowledge regarding tea.

Seven Tips to Brew Better Tasting Tea

All about tea and how to brew a good cup of tea.

Teatime with My Sisters

The world is a busy place. It always seems like there is something to do, somewhere to be, or someone that needs our attention.  There’s nothing wrong with this, but we do need to make sure that we carve out time to spend with our sisters in Christ and of course with our Savior.

Life is not always easy. In fact, there are times when easy is the farthest thing from it. Things can be going wrong at home, in the workplace, maybe we had an argue with our best friend. Sometimes it doesn’t even take much for us to get discouraged or to feel alone.

The beautiful thing about being a follower of Jesus is that we are never really alone. Jesus promises to always be with us, and we can hold on to that with all our hearts. Take time to know Him. Grab your favorite cup of tea or coffee and take a moment in the day and speak to Him. One on one time with Jesus is awesome and can give us the strength we need to face whatever we are going through.

As part of the family of God, we also have the privilege of being there for one another. Hebrews 10:24, 25 is a great reminder that it is good to meet together. If we can do it over a cup of coffee or tea, it’s even better! “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:24).

We are living in a world where following Jesus isn’t popular and is often ridiculed. Finding sisters in Christ who can hold us accountable, who we can pour out our joys and sorrows to, who can encourage us to keep going when the going gets tough, is what is so beautiful about being a part of a family.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on a few Scriptures that point to why it is good to meet. “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Prov. 27:17 NIV). Being accountable to one another can help make us more like Jesus: “Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16 NIV).

Accountability and sharing with one another means that we get to pray for each other.  There is no greater privilege. “Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thess. 5:11, NIV). We live in a world where people like to tear down and destroy. We only have to look at Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to realize this. As sisters in Christ, meeting together is where we can encourage one another and as the Scripture says build each other up. “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn” (Rom. 12:15 NIV). Let’s be happy for our sisters when something good happens and pray for them when life is difficult. Let’s hold her up our when she may not be able to hold herself up.

God didn’t design us to be alone. We are called to love one another and spending a few moments over a cup of tea or coffee is a way in which we can say to our sisters in Christ, “I care about you enough to want to check in with you and see how you are doing.” We can all get busy doing our own thing, but God calls us to be in community.  So, the next time you have some time, call one of your sisters in Christ, grab a cup of tea or coffee at home, at the corps or at your favorite shop and encourage one another.


Jesus, we come to You today, thanking you for the opportunity to be together for this time. Thank You that we are sisters in Christ who can laugh together, cry together and pray for one another. Jesus, we love that we can spend time alone with You and that you are always there for us. But we thank You too that you have given us each other to walk this journey of life with. We love You, Jesus.