November 2024 – Sacrifice is Priceless

November 2024 – Sacrifice is Priceless


What do you know about Flanders Field? It’s a cemetery in Belgium where American soldiers from World War I are buried. There is information on Wikipedia which give highlights on this memorial The American Battle Monument Commission also provides a YouTube video and 6 other publications that can shared with the women.


There is a poem, which was later made into a song about Flanders Fields. This was written by a Canadian doctor, Major John McCrae, in the early years of the war. This poem and song can be used to provide an enhancement of how we can memorialize those who gave their lives during this conflict. Both the poem and song can be accessed on YouTube. The song was also sung by a Salvation Army group called FourHymn, which was recorded in 2016 and 2022 during a Christmas concerts:


Serve a pull apart cupcake flower. The basic instructions can be accessed on YouTube at: Use brown, green, and red icing to make the shape of a poppy flower. As the women take their cupcake, they can share the name of a loved one who has served in the Armed Forces.


Coffee Filters

Make poppies using coffee filters. Check the website for instructions.

Poppy Rocks

Provide each woman with two river rocks and ink pens in red, black, and green. For basic painting instructions visit:

Remember the Days of Old

When he reached the age of 120 years the Lord told Moses that he would not lead the children of Israel into the promised land. After reading the Lord’s instructions to the people, he was now to hand over leading the people to Joshua who had served as Moses’ assistant and now was divinely appointed as Moses’ successor.

Before handing over the leadership, he reminded the people that were about to enter the land that the Lord had promised to them. However, there were commands, decrees, and regulations that the Lord had commanded him to teach the people. If they were obedient, they would enjoy a long life. Probably the most important command was in Deuteronomy 6: 4, 5, and 6. “Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” Like the children of Israel, we are to love God, think constantly about His commandments and teach His commandments to our children. We are to be guided by His Word. Jesus said that loving God with all of ourselves is the first and greatest commandment (Matt.22:37-39).

Moses reminds the people in Deuteronomy 32:7 “Remember the days of long ago; think about the generations past. Ask your father, and he will inform you. Inquire of your elders, and they will tell you.” They should not be fearful as the Lord would go before them as He had in the past. All they needed to do was to ask the elders who would remember that the Lord had always been faithful to them.

Change of leadership is always hard. We become used to the way someone leads. We know what to expect. But change is inevitable. It is important to remember the past and the lessons that we have learned. But we must move forward trusting in God’s faithfulness and follow His directions. We must build on the groundwork of the previous leader but ask for God’s continued guidance for the future. Joshua would not lead in exactly the way that Moses had, but he built on the groundwork that Moses had laid down. He consulted the Lord for His directions and moved forward leading the people into the promised land.